Wed 11 May 2011
Slush Pile: The Problem With Pixels
Posted by Patrick Rennie under Slush Pile
1 Comment
Fear the future!
Well, the retro future. I’m just saying Atari is dangerous.
Wed 11 May 2011
Posted by Patrick Rennie under Slush Pile
1 Comment
Fear the future!
Well, the retro future. I’m just saying Atari is dangerous.
It seems like startading around this time peirod (peradhaps emboldadened by the sucadcess of Marvel’s attempt to do someadthing difadferadent), a numadber of pubadlishaders began to experadiadment. They would try things, throw stuff against the wall, see if anyadthing would stick. I believe it’s how you wound up with DC (for one examadple) doing books like The Doom Patrol, Metal Men, Bat Lash, Angel and the Ape, The Creeper, etc., etc. Maybe not everyadthing the pubadlishaders tried would be sucadcessadful, but there’s ceradtainly some Siladver Age gold to be found in the midst of those offeradings if youa0look.